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A special thank-you
These podcasts are supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC),the Spem in Alium Fund of Toronto Foundation, and York University
Margaret Board’s Lutebook: Antiq Masque-Witches Daunce-Lady Phillyes Masque-La: Elyza her Masque-The Prince his Almayne-The Prince his Coranto
Music from court masques arranged for lute played by John Edwards: Antiq Masque per Mr. Confesso set by Mr. Taylor, originally by John Coprario, Witches Daunce by Robert Johnson, Lady Phillyes Masque, Anon. La: Elyza her Masque, The Prince his Almayne and The Prince his Coranto all by Johnson and from Margaret Board's Lutebook.