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A special thank-you
These podcasts are supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC),the Spem in Alium Fund of Toronto Foundation, and York University
Music (Dump Philli): Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Lutenist John Edwards plays Dump Philli from the Marsh Lutebook. Pieces called 'Dump' are often memorial pieces and are often built on ground basses of as few as two notes, as is this one.
Music (Anthony Holborne): Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Lutenist John Edwards plays Anthony Holborne's sombre pavan 'The Countiss of pembruth fineralle' as it is called in Jane Pickeringe's Lutebook, from which this highly decorated version is taken. The Countess of Pembroke is Lady Mary Sidney, whose father and brother died the same year.
Music (Sir Phillip Sidney): Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Lutenist John Edwards plays Sir Phillip Sidneys Lamentacion from Matthew Holmes' Lute Book.
Music (John Dowland): Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Lutenist John Edwards plays John Dowland's The Battell Galyerd, also known as The King of Denmark's Galliard, in a version from Jane Pickeringe's Lute Book.
Music (John Dowland): Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Lutenist John Edwards plays The Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Lisle his Galliard composed by John Dowland, based on Orlando di Lasso's Susanne un jour. Viscount Lisle is Robert Sidney, younger brother to Sir Philip and Mary Sidney, the Countess of Pembroke.
Music (William Byrd): Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Lutenist John Edwards plays William Byrd's setting of Will you Walk the Woods So Wild anonymously arranged for the lute.
Masques and Theatre Music: John Come Kiss Me Now and Johnny Cock Thy Beaver from The Division Violin
Christopher Verrette, violin, plays divisions by Davis Mell on John Come Kiss Me Now and anonymous divisions on Johnny Cock Thy Beaver from Playford's The Division Violin accompanied by The Musicians In Ordinary Renaissance Violin Band: Matt Antal, Brandon Chui, Sheila Smyth, violas, Laura Jones, bass violin and John Edwards, lute.
Masques and Theatre Music: First Witches' Dance-Second Witches' Dance
The Musicians In Ordinary Renaissance Violin Band plays Antiq Masque by John Coprario, and the Robert Johnson's First Witches' Dance and Second Witches Dance from The Masque of Queens by Ben Jonson, probably revived in Middleton's The Witch and Shakespeare's Macbeth. The MIO Violin Band is Matt Antal, Brandon Chui, Sheila Smyth, violas, Laura Jones, bass violin, John Edwards, lute, led by Christopher Verrette, violin.
Masques and Theatre Music: The King of Denmark's Galiard-Fairie Round-Deth-Sir Henry Umptons Funerall-Paradizo
The Musicians In Ordinary Renaissance Violin Band plays The King of Denmark's Galliard from John Dowland's Lachrimae or Seven Tears, The Fairy Round from Anthony Holborne's Pavans, Galliards etc., Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral (Dowland) and Paradizo, or The Countess of Pembroke's Paradise (Holborne). Special guest Felix Deak, (viola da gamba) plays Deth by Tobias Hume. The MIO Violin Band is Matt Antal, Brandon Chui, Sheila Smyth, violas, Laura Jones, bass violin, John Edwards, lute, led by Christopher Verrette, violin.
Masques and Theatre Music: 1st, 2nd and 3rd of the Lords', The Tempest , The Haymakers' Dance, The Nymphs Dance
The Musicians In Ordinary Renaissance String Band, (Matt Antal, Brandon Chui and Sheila Smyth, violas, Laura Jones, bass violin, John Edwards, lute, led by Christopher Verrette, violin) plays John Coprario's dances from The Lord's Masque in versions published in 1617 by William Brade, The Tempest from Squires’ Masque and The Haymakers' Dance (both anon.) with viola parts by Christopher Verrette after Brade), and The Nymphs' Dance from Masque of the Inner Temple and Gray's Inn (Coprario/Brade).
Margaret Board’s Lutebook: Delight Pavan and Delight Galliard-I Cannot Keep my Wife at Home
Delyght Pavan and Delyght Gallyard by John Johnson and the ballad tune I Can not keepe my wife at home from Margaret Board's Lutebook, played by John Edwards
Margaret Board’s Lutebook: Antiq Masque-Witches Daunce-Lady Phillyes Masque-La: Elyza her Masque-The Prince his Almayne-The Prince his Coranto
Music from court masques arranged for lute played by John Edwards: Antiq Masque per Mr. Confesso set by Mr. Taylor, originally by John Coprario, Witches Daunce by Robert Johnson, Lady Phillyes Masque, Anon. La: Elyza her Masque, The Prince his Almayne and The Prince his Coranto all by Johnson and from Margaret Board's Lutebook.
Margaret Board’s Lutebook: Lachrimae Pavan-Poor Tom-Bonny Sweet Robin-Go from my Window
Lachrymae by John Dowland, anonymous settings of the ballads Poore Tome and Bony Sweete Robyn, and Richard Allison's setting of Goe from my Wyndowe, all from Margaret Board's Lutebook, played by John Edwards.
Margaret Board’s Lutebook: Delacourt Pavan, Markanthonyes Gallyard, Orlando
The anonymous Delacourt Pavin, Markanthonyes Gallyard, probably by Mark Anthony Galliardello or Mark Anthony Bassano, and Orlando by John Dowland, from Margaret Board's Lutebook, played by John Edwards, lute.
Anne Boleyn's Songbook: La Magdalena, Recoupe & Tourdion by Pierre Blondeau
The basse dance set La Magdalena probably by Pierre Blondeau, published in Attaingnant's 'Dixhuit Basses Dances garnie de Recoupe et Tordions' of 1529, played by John Edwards, lute.
Anne Boleyn's Songbook: Sicut Lilium (Brumel)
Performed by Julia Morson, sop. Whitney O'Hearn, ms, singing the alto, Katherine Anderson, singing the bass, John Edwards, lute, led by Hallie Fishel, also singing the tenor.
Anne Boleyn's Songbook: Alma Redemptoris Mater (Obrecht)
Performed by Julia Morson, sop. Whitney O'Hearn, MS, Katherine Anderson singing the tenor with Eleanor Verrette, vielle, and John Edwards, lute, led by Hallie Fishel, also singing the tenor.
Anne Boleyn's Songbook: Gabrielem Archangelum (Anon.)
Performed by Julia Morson, sop. Whitney O'Hearn, MS, led by Hallie Fishel, singing alto.