Margaret Board’s Lutebook (Episode 1): John Edwards - Delacourt Pavan, Markanthonyes Gallyard, Orlando


Margaret Board was born in 1600, the daughter of a rich merchant, and had Europe's leading lutenist, John Dowland, as a teacher. Her book of lute pieces, notated in tablature in her hand and that of her teacher, is a collaboration between what her lute master thinks she needs to know and her taste as a young woman in Jacobean London.

John Edwards on the book and its contents with Delacourt Pavin-Markanthonyes Gallyard-Orlando (Anon. Mark Anthony Galliardello?, John Dowland)

These podcasts are supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC),the Spem in Alium Fund of Toronto Foundation, and York University


Margaret Board’s Lutebook: Delacourt Pavan, Markanthonyes Gallyard, Orlando


Anne Boleyn's Songbook: La Magdalena, Recoupe & Tourdion by Pierre Blondeau