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A special thank-you
These podcasts are supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC),the Spem in Alium Fund of Toronto Foundation, and York University
John Milton’s Comus
A performance of John Milton’s masque Comus directed by Heather Davies http://heatherdavies.com with the original songs by Henry Lawes and dance music by his brother William played by Christopher Verrette and the MIO String Band.
Episode 8: Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Tracy Ryan reads 'With how sad steps, O Moon, Sonnet 31 from Sir Philip Sidney's Astrophel and Stella, in original pronunciation of the time of Shakespeare and Sidney.
Episode 7: Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Tracy Ryan reads part of a lament by Lady Mary Sidney, on the death of her brother Sir Philip Sidney, author of Astrophel and Stella and The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia in original pronunciation from the time of Sidney and Shakespeare.
Episode 6: Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Tracy Ryan reads a description of the death of Phillip Sidney at Battle of Zutphen from Elizabethan historian John Stow's The Annals of England to 1603 in original pronunciation from the time of Sidney and Shakespeare.
Episode 5: Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Tracy Ryan reads a description of the Battle of Zutphen from Elizabethan historian John Stow's The Annals of England to 1603 in original pronunciation from the time of Sidney and Shakespeare.
Episode 4: Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Tracy Ryan reads a sonnet by Robert Sidney, the Viscount Lisle, found in manuscript, in original pronunciation from the time of Sidney and Shakespeare.
Episode 3: Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Tracy Ryan reads a poem from Sir Philip Sidney's romance The Countess of Pembrokes Arcadia in original pronunciation from the time of Sidney and Shakespeare.
Episode 2: Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Actor Tracy Ryan reads and excerpt from the First Eclogues Sir Philip Sidney's romance The Countess of Pembrokes Arcadia in original pronunciation from the time of Sidney and Shakespeare.
Episode 1: Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Actor Tracy Ryan reads the first poem from Sir Philip Sidney's sonnet cycle Astrophel and Stella in original pronunciation from the time of Sidney and Shakespeare.
Introduction: Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Professor Deanne Williams talks to John Edwards about Philip, Mary and Robert Sidney and their contribution to literature as inspirers and innovators, practitioners and patrons in the Elizabethan and Jacobean period.
Masques and Theatre Music (Episode 4): Deanne Williams-John Come Kiss Me Now-Johnny Cock Thy Beaver
Deanne Williams and John Edwards discuss John Milton's Comus, The Lady, Alice Egerton, her experience and her exemplars as a performer.
Masques and Theatre Music (Episode 3): Natalia Khomenko-VK Preston-Antiq Masque-1st Witches Dance-2nd Witches Dance
Dr. Natalia Khomenko, Lecturer at York Univ. and VK Preston, Asst. Prof. at Univ. of Toronto’s Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies, talk about depictions of witches in 16th and 17th century England and France.
Masques and Theatre Music (Episode 2): Tom Bishop & Linda Austern-King of Denmarks Galiard-Fairie Round-Deth-Sir Henry Umptons Funerall-Paradizo
Prof. Tom Bishop (Univ. of Auckland) talks about Shakespeare’s Pericles. Prof. Linda Austern (Northwestern U.) talks about music and medicine in the 17th century.
Masques and Theatre Music (Episode 1): Stephen Orgel-1st, 2nd, 3rd of the Lords-Tempest-Haymakers Dance
Stephen Orgel, Professor Emeritus at Stanford Univ. talks to John Edwards about the Stuart court masque, its performers, its expressions of power and the meaning of the masque conjured by the triumphant Prospero in The Tempest.
Margaret Board’s Lutebook (Episode 4): George Torres-Deanne Williams-Delyght Pavan & Gallyard-I cannot keepe my wyfe at Howme
George Torres, Prof. in Music at Lafayette College, Deanne Williams, Prof. in English at York University, and John Edwards discuss correspondences between lute instruction manuals and manuals on civility from 16th and 17th century in France & England, how lute lessons were also decorum lessons, & the lute lesson in Taming of the Shrew. We hear Delyght Pavan & Gallyard (Johnson) & I Cannot keepe my wyfe at howme (anon.) from Margaret Board’s lutebook.
Margaret Board’s Lutebook (Episode 3): Deanne Williams - Masque Dances
Deanne Williams on the Masque and its players with Antiq Masque-Witches Daunce-Lady Phillyes Masque-La: Elyza her Masque-The Prince his Almayne-The Prince his Coranto (arr. Robert Taylor, Robert Johnson, anon. Johnson, Johnson, Johnson)
Margaret Board’s Lutebook (Episode 2): Tom Bishop – Lachrymae, Poore Tome, Bony Sweete Robyn, Goe from my Wyndowe
Tom Bishop on plays, playhouses and playgoers with Lachrymae, Poore Tome, Bony Sweete Robyn, Goe from my Wyndowe (John Dowland, anonymous, anonymous, Richard Allison)
Margaret Board’s Lutebook (Episode 1): John Edwards - Delacourt Pavan, Markanthonyes Gallyard, Orlando
John Edwards on the book and its contents with Delacourt Pavin-Markanthonyes Gallyard-Orlando (Anon. Mark Anthony Galliardello?, John Dowland)
Anne Boleyn's Songbook (Episode 4): Matt Kavaler - La Magdalena
Profs. Matt Kavaler and Deanne Williams talk with John Edwards about the paintings of the Master of the Female Half-lengths and their shared context with Anne Boleyn's songbook. We hear the Basse Danse La Magdalena by Pierre Blondeau played by John Edwards.
Anne Boleyn's Songbook (Episode 3): Lisa Wang - Sicut Lilium
Lisa Wang on the theology of the Song of Songs with Sicut Lilium (Antoine Brumel)