Margaret Board’s Lutebook (Episode 2): Tom Bishop – Lachrymae, Poore Tome, Bony Sweete Robyn, Goe from my Wyndowe
Prof. Tom Bishop (Univ. of Auckland) talks to John Edwards about plays, theatres, playgoers and pieces in Margaret Board's Lutebook she’d need to know to get all the references in the plays of Jacobean London. From Margaret’s book we hear Lachrymae, by John Dowland, referenced in Knight of the Burning Pestle, anonymous settings of ballads Poore Tome (King Lear) and Bony Sweete Robyn (Hamlet), and Richard Allison's setting of Goe from my Wyndowe (also Knight of the Burning Pestle).
These podcasts are supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC),the Spem in Alium Fund of Toronto Foundation, and York University