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A special thank-you
These podcasts are supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC),the Spem in Alium Fund of Toronto Foundation, and York University
Music (John Dowland): Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Lutenist John Edwards plays John Dowland's The Battell Galyerd, also known as The King of Denmark's Galliard, in a version from Jane Pickeringe's Lute Book.
Music (John Dowland): Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Lutenist John Edwards plays The Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Lisle his Galliard composed by John Dowland, based on Orlando di Lasso's Susanne un jour. Viscount Lisle is Robert Sidney, younger brother to Sir Philip and Mary Sidney, the Countess of Pembroke.
Margaret Board’s Lutebook: Lachrimae Pavan-Poor Tom-Bonny Sweet Robin-Go from my Window
Lachrymae by John Dowland, anonymous settings of the ballads Poore Tome and Bony Sweete Robyn, and Richard Allison's setting of Goe from my Wyndowe, all from Margaret Board's Lutebook, played by John Edwards.
Margaret Board’s Lutebook (Episode 2): Tom Bishop – Lachrymae, Poore Tome, Bony Sweete Robyn, Goe from my Wyndowe
Tom Bishop on plays, playhouses and playgoers with Lachrymae, Poore Tome, Bony Sweete Robyn, Goe from my Wyndowe (John Dowland, anonymous, anonymous, Richard Allison)