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A special thank-you
These podcasts are supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC),the Spem in Alium Fund of Toronto Foundation, and York University
Introduction: Pleasure Might Make Her Read - Poems and Music for the Sidneys
Professor Deanne Williams talks to John Edwards about Philip, Mary and Robert Sidney and their contribution to literature as inspirers and innovators, practitioners and patrons in the Elizabethan and Jacobean period.
Masques and Theatre Music (Episode 4): Deanne Williams-John Come Kiss Me Now-Johnny Cock Thy Beaver
Deanne Williams and John Edwards discuss John Milton's Comus, The Lady, Alice Egerton, her experience and her exemplars as a performer.
Margaret Board’s Lutebook (Episode 4): George Torres-Deanne Williams-Delyght Pavan & Gallyard-I cannot keepe my wyfe at Howme
George Torres, Prof. in Music at Lafayette College, Deanne Williams, Prof. in English at York University, and John Edwards discuss correspondences between lute instruction manuals and manuals on civility from 16th and 17th century in France & England, how lute lessons were also decorum lessons, & the lute lesson in Taming of the Shrew. We hear Delyght Pavan & Gallyard (Johnson) & I Cannot keepe my wyfe at howme (anon.) from Margaret Board’s lutebook.
Anne Boleyn's Songbook (Episode 4): Matt Kavaler - La Magdalena
Profs. Matt Kavaler and Deanne Williams talk with John Edwards about the paintings of the Master of the Female Half-lengths and their shared context with Anne Boleyn's songbook. We hear the Basse Danse La Magdalena by Pierre Blondeau played by John Edwards.
Anne Boleyn's Songbook: Alma Redemptoris Mater (Obrecht)
Performed by Julia Morson, sop. Whitney O'Hearn, MS, Katherine Anderson singing the tenor with Eleanor Verrette, vielle, and John Edwards, lute, led by Hallie Fishel, also singing the tenor.
Anne Boleyn's Songbook (Episode 2): John Edwards - Alma Redemptoris Mater
John Edwards talks to Prof. Deanne Williams about performance practice questions thrown up by the Anne Boleyn Songbook. We hear Alma Redemptoris Mater composed by Jacob Obrecht performed by Julia Morson, sop. Whitney O'Hearn, mezzo, Katherine Anderson alto, Eleanor Verrette, vielle, John Edwards, lute all led by Hallie Fishel, singing alto.
Anne Boleyn's Songbook (Episode 1): Deanne Williams on the book and its contents with Gabrielem Archangelum (anon.)
Prof. Deanne Williams talks to John Edwards about Anne Boleyn's Songbook. We hear the anonymous Gabrielem Archangelum sung by Julia Morson, Whitney O'Hearn and Hallie Fishel.